Having the right validation for your form fields is key to obtaining good data from your end users. Allowing authors to dynamically adjust and respond to your users and provide them with guidance allows you to capture more input. Our form fields allow marketers to dynamically change or address validation concerns. The validation framework is fully extensible, and right out of the box, the following validators are configured with a:
- Minimum length (minimum number of characters the user is allowed to enter)
- Maximum length (maximum number of characters the user is allowed to enter)
- Pattern (an input pattern to test against the user’s values)
- Equal to (when two form fields should be equal to each other)
In addition to validation on inputs, you can also define the expected data type. For an input field, you may want someone to enter an email address with its own format (e.g. or restrict the field to only allow numbers. Our forms module supports the following validation on fields:
- Email address
- Number
- Phone number (USA/Canada)
- Postal code (Canada)
- Zip code (USA)
In addition to validation, letting your customer know that a field needs to be filled out, or why the field is in an error state is critical to getting a user to complete the form correctly and allowing them to submit the form. As an author or marketer, you can define the following for field validation:
- Required message
- Minimum length message
- Maximum length message
- Pattern message
- Equal to message
- Constraint message (if the field is constrained to particular type of input)
Traditionally, validating form fields can cause issues and more often than not, marketers are left with suboptimal solutions (microsites, separate content, third party solutions, etc.). The D6 Engine was built to solve this problem: one website tailored to multiple different segments. No compromise, no shortcuts, and one that offers improved marketing capabilities for your organization.
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