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D6 Digital Form Documentation

Form Fields

Right out of the box, our forms module supports the following form fields:

  • Text fields
  • Text area
  • Select/dropdowns
  • Radio buttons
  • Checkboxes
  • File input

Common Functionality

All form fields support the ability to decide whether content is required:

Yes: The field must be filled out

No: The field is optional and can be left blank

Conditionally: As a content author, you can set a form field to “conditionally required” based on the input of another form field. A typical “contact us” form might have a phone number and an email address. It may also ask the user to indicate their preferred form of communication. If the user selects “email”, that would make their email address mandatory. You have the ability to define or modify these rules dynamically.


You can display a form field depending on the value of another form field. For example, on your “contact us” form, you can have a field that asks if the user is a "Current customer". If the user selects no, nothing happens. If the user says "yes", then you could have a new form field appear that asks the customer to provide their account number.


When a user gets presented with a form, it's quite possible that their web browser has already stored a significant amount of data to prefill the form for them. You can also select the data to pre-fill this value, allowing the user to bypass manually typing out their data. For example, provide the browser with the hint that a name field should be prefilled with the user's name (if it has that data). You can prefill any form field with the following:

  • Name (full name)
  • Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc.)
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Last name
  • Suffix (Jr., II, etc.)
  • Street address
  • City
  • Province/State
  • Country code (ISO 3166 2 digit codes - CA, US etc.)
  • Country name
  • Postal code/Zip code
  • Telephone number (the user's preferred phone number)
  • Home telephone number
  • Mobile telephone number
  • Work telephone number
  • Email address (the user's preferred email address)
  • Home email address
  • Work email address
  • Username
  • Password

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