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D6 Engine Documentation

Fundamental Concepts

When designing the D6 Engine, we knew a few things were absolutely imperative to get right:

  1. Plug-and-play. With minimal effort, the D6 Engine plugs into the system transparently, reducing the amount of effort required by enterprise companies who frequently spend millions of dollars on development and training authors on custom components. 
  2. Speed. The D6 Engine needs to be fast. It must provide a company’s customers with a targeted experience executed so quickly that they don't even realize the segmentation is taking place. No page refreshes or rerouting, just a seamless experience.
  3. Extendable. Every customer has (often untapped) proprietary data that could easily augment their user experience. It was important to be able to prompt clients to mine their data for relevant information.
  4. Cookies. With browsers like Safari and Chrome removing third party cookies, we knew third party cookies for segmentation or personalization were going to become obsolete quite quickly. The D6 Engine does not rely on any third party cookies.

D6 Fundamentals: Functions and Features

  • Plug-and-play

  • Speed

  • Extendable

  • Cookies

Last Updated:
